Thursday, November 29, 2007

Battle of Sunway Land finally over

After 3days of battle, It's FINALLY over.! 3 days of sleepless night, not enough food, no water, make me feel so dead but I tell myself that I have to stand and fight. Fighting physically isn't hard. But fight using pen and pencil is WONDERFUL hard. You can't talk during the battle, only can talk to your brain and heart. To get Sunway Land, you have to capture 3flags, that is physics flag, calculus flag and geometry flag.
The checklist for battle is:

  • Pencil
  • Eraser
  • Ruler
  • Pen
  • Graphic Calculator
  • Scientific Calculator
So the first day is the battle of physics standing on Sunway land. So it starts at 11.30 am. The whole battle will last for 2hours. The questions require you to think of the strategy to attack and capture the flag, using the weapon that I have, First I will go with my Pencil to draw on my blank paper. Drawing out the strategy then I will use my Graphic calculator as my battle tank to count the angle and I shoot using my Pen on the space that is provided.
Some of them have to cross the river to capture the flag. So I use my ruler to make a bridge on the river and help the army to cross. After capturing the flag, my 1st battle is over. I'm one step closer to Sunway Land.

Second Day
The second day battle starts, I wake up and walk out from my army camp. The weather is so cold and I sit on the stool and thinking of how to win my next battle. Sitting on the stool and reading books of maths to know what are the position of the enemy. After 5hours of planning, finally is time for me to get into the battlefield.
The enemy has more army than me. Before we start, another discussion with my fellow generals. They agree with my plan so now I'm gonna use cannon to destroy their Numbers door. After that, I use my tanks to count the angle to shoot their main building down. Now my army runs in by using ruler as a ladder to climb to the highest floor. Capture the flag and we celebrate our second victory. Last battle will continue tomorrow.

Third Day
I have not enough sleep for the 3rd day, i dream that my plan will fail I can't get the princess. This is the last war and the hardest. But without further delay, step out with full confidence, Riding on my pearl black horse, Beside me is General Ken with his BamOw horse sliver in colour, and another side is Asisstant Nik sitting on her Benzo Red Horse.
General Ken and Asisstant Nik will attack from the the east door and I will attack from the west door. To make sure we achieve Victory, we all attack into the castle at the same time. When the sun rise high, it will be our victory. We used 2long hours to break into the castle. This was the toughest war I had ever went through. But still we won the war and Capture the flag. Now I have 3flags with me and I already own half of Sunway Land. So the battle of Canadian Land is coming soon. Now it's time for me to rest and repair my weapons. Call me If you want to celebrate with General Jeng-ster.

I know the story is very childish, but somehow it cames to my mind. So just have fun reading. =)


Anonymous said...

What is your number =P

Jeng Shiun said...

haha, my number? as in position?
of cuz number 1

Anonymous said...

Lol... readers dun have your number how to call you to celebrate?

niniEk said...

jeng!! i think u should shoot urself! XD HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!! and i am not the assistant!!! i am the GREAT comander!

Jeng Shiun said...

haha, sorry niniek, you can't be the comander. you are still young and not enough experience. So you have to stay behind and learn. lol!!!1 :P

Jeng Shiun said...

stup 742, you got my number, so you celebrate with me.

niniEk said...

yerh! ur only 1 yr older than me! :( no fair!

Jeng Shiun said...

haha, still older than you. the wise man will decide. :P